One of the reasons that astrologers love to list an alignment is because when one happens, we know that the threads it represents are being toned in our energy sphere. This is a set of alignments I have been dreaming about.

Today, July 10, both Mars and Pallas enter Virgo.

Virgo, constellation wise, is known as the maiden. When I think of Virgo, Persephone is brought to mind. Persephone is the daughter of spring. Each year, she gets taken by Hades into the underworld where she is meant to remain for half the year. Even though she does not specifically like it there, she goes to benefit the souls, returning to the ‘upper world’ in the Spring, duty done.

Another association with Virgo comes from the Greek perspective, where the constellation is said to represent Dike, the goddess of justice. She stands for fairness as a Universal quality and in particular, how it plays out in social norms and lifeways.

Pallas represents wisdom and knowledge, in particular of the feminine form and contributions.

Mars and the harder harmonic Marsian stands (the distorted ones) would typically butt heads with Virgo and Pallas. In fact, in the energy story we are working on healing, the ‘masculine’ (represented by Mars Aries) has served to benefit from the sacrifice and skills of the feminine (represented by Virgo). This is the Persephone play-out of the energy. Many of my past students and clients struggled with living in the Persephone framework. Always giving, doing, being but not quite getting to experience the harvest themselves. Being expected to ‘go to the underworld’ even though that is not where they would like to be. I know in my own world, I have also experienced this.

This year, I feel us moving into feeling Dike as part of the alignments. *YES!* Pallas and Mars entering Virgo together reads as a moment of re-balance, healing, and re-cognition of the contributions of what gets called ‘the feminine strands’ and their important place in society. Perhaps that manifests as more appreciation in the home and community. Perhaps as remuneration for things done ‘free’. Perhaps simple recognition. Maybe all 3!

As we meet this alignment (and move into the node switch that is all about Mars and Venus) you may notice yourself getting the opportunity to organize in a way that works better for you. You may be recognized for all that you have done in the past for others + start to receive those rewards and recognition. You may also feel as though you are getting ‘pushed’ into tasks and caring that you may not feel aligned with. This is an opportunity to speak your truth and chart that more clear path for yourself.

One of the clear themes of exploration we see in the next 2 years, in particular with our upcoming nodal activity, is a new balance, appreciation, and respect for contributions that get termed ‘feminine’ as well as for us female bodied people who have been lifting our various loads.

Will we become acutely aware of where imbalances are and where justice is not? I believe so. That may cause discomfort and ruptures in some relationships. The ‘threads’ of masculine and feminine that are meant to be so ‘opposite’ and the pathways that got us to the point in our story are being brought up. This may not feel great. However, we are seeing where there is not complementarity and fixing those places, moment by moment. This is a conversation about healing the masculine and feminine strands. Tune into the podcast to hear more about it!

This is an alignment that I was particularly excited about. I will be traveling the lands and astrals with it continuing to do my ceremonial thing!

Big love,

Katie IndiCrow.

Cover Art “Becoming Persephone” by Reynaile sourced on Deviant Art (print available)


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