Being spiritually un-eff-withable means recognizing that energy is everywhere & minding yours leads to living a good life. Being spiritually uneffwithable means using energy tools and your metaphysical skills to help set your goals and achieve them. It means knowing your vibe and protecting it. It means knowing the power of love but not taking ish from anybody. Being spiritually uneffwithable is a way of life.

Energy is everywhere. We engage with ‘it’ every time we go in public, view an intense tv program, go on the internet, or visit the astrals. Energy know-how is something that we are able to work with to improve our lives. For example, getting our energy aligned is like having a weight lifted off of you and/or being plugged straight into your own creativity. We work with harmonics calling and intention setting to craft the path in front of us and to align with what is going to be our best life and options. Energy is also something that, if ignored, can weigh us down, wear us out, and make us feel like it is too painful to even be in the world. It can tie us to people, places and events that we would rather leave behind.

We are entering an era where people realize that metaphysical self-care and energy know-how not only makes them feel better, it helps them lead a more empowered and full life.

Listen to “Being Spiritually Uneffwithable For a Better Life” podcast for an elaboration of this message

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on Apple: available here once processed How to Be Spiritually Uneffiwithable on Apple Podcasts

First off, I want to be very clear that being spiritually uneffwithable does not have to be preceded with being ‘effed with’. A lot of us are ‘effed up’ energy wise because we are taught to believe that ‘it’ does not exist’. Being ‘effed up’ comes from being energetic beings living in a world full of energy yet not caring for that part of our body. If this is you, do not feel ashamed. This part of your body was not even taught to you at school. Because of this, being ‘effed up’ spiritually most often comes from simple lack of basic care.

Here is how this often manifests:

  • IBS
  • Feeling tired despite ample rest
  • Taking on thoughts and feelings that you do not feel like are ‘your own’ (they are often from your environment)
  • Migraines
  • Foggy thinking
  • Lack of focus
  • Lack of creativity
  • Difficulty expressing your true thoughts and feelings
  • Lack of patience for tasks that matter like loving your family or self

In general, these are all expressions that show up when your physical body-energy body relationship is feeling overwhelmed. This comes about through being in the world and engaging with the plethora of sources of energy fields, thoughtforms, historical happenings, and personal experiences that we engage during a day in regular life. This is why I recommend daily energy alignment and auric field repair as part of your un-eff-with-able strategy.

For those who are experiencing more direct forms of spiritual interference

There are other people who have having a very different ‘effed with’ experience. Those are people who are being targeted by entities or who have gotten caught up in a web of siphoning energy. Some of the people who are being most ‘effed with’ in this capacity are people who are part of the online new-age spiritual community. Coming from a person who was part of that community and who has studied it for 12 years, this is a truth that has proven itself over a thousand times.

In general, a person who is spiritually being messed with tends to be a person who can only get so far in life without having some form of spiritual attack that shows up in energy form, via a self-destructive behaviour that one was goaded into repeating, or via another person who lashes out at you in their own disempowered moment.

Some other signs:

  • False guidance that makes you think that you cannot trust your higher self and must defer to ‘something else’.
  • Having listened to an angel or spirit guide and had a terrible life incident as a result.
  • Having dangerous and scary interactions in the real world that you are not ‘calling on’ via your own behaviour.
  • Having scary sounding things yell in your ears.
  • Having beings show up who flatter you, telling you that you are a god or a king or queen and asking you to do things that are well outside of your skill set. If you were those things, you would still learn the skill before acting. They are trying to trick you to become a vessel.
  • You black out and get angry.
  • You hear voices telling you things that are harmful to your well-being.
  • You sense people being pushed away from you.

In the case of being spiritually un-eff-with-able, there are a lot of people out there who are working with spiritual tools that are specifically designed to eff with them. As I have been discussing in my recent ‘Holy Grail’ podcasts for Psychopomp Stories, entire regimes of knowledge have been built up to keep us in one place. Threads of truth become enmeshed with entrapment practices. Sadly, this has wound up where people in some long-term spiritual communities are feeling more confused and dejected than people who are part of the ‘real world’.

No matter where you are coming at this from, the message is simple: spiritual tools and metaphysical knowhow help you live a good life where you are unbothered. When I speak about spiritual wellbeing and protecting your energy, it is not just from weird entities in the astral realms.
It is also from people you enjoy like your neighbours, coworkers, and classmates. They are people in this world who are releasing their own things that you may be connecting to as part of your interactions! Being un-eff-withable also means knowing now to repair and recharge yourself from daily wear and tear like via EMFs (all topics covered before that I will cover again). Being spiritually uneffwithable means knowing that the state of your energy body and your soul has a direct impact on your ability to perform your daily tasks with focus and creativity and to live your life with exuberance.

What are the benefits of becoming spiritually un-eff-with-able?

It means that you are use your metaphysical skills to a) chart your path, b) stay safe, c) hear your higher self and the guidance that is best for your freedom and development, and d) create a life that is a joy to live.

  • It also means that you are able to detect astral threats, things that are not in your best interest, and to repair yourself when you run into the ish of daily life (it happens).
  • You know the sound of your higher self and you are able to follow it to experience personal success.
  • You stay in your own energy and you get to experience life without feeling as much of everyone else around you.
  • You are able to consistently and diligently pursue your goals.
  • You are in touch with your creative or athletic self.
  • Your BS filter becomes impeccable.
  • You are able to direct yourself to great people and opportunities and away from draining ones.
  • You recognize truth when it is spoken.
  • You experience a more pleasant version of reality where the things that are going to enhance your life are in your path and you are able to recognize, appreciate, and act on thm.

I have put together a course of learning that you can embark upon RIGHT NOW that is going to help you do all of the above. Take it at your own pace and work your way through instructional videos + guided energy practices that are going to help you get your life onto its most un-eff-withable, high vibration path AND STAY THERE. With materials to build up a good life as well as to stabilize when things go ‘off’, this is a highly useful set of tools that you will be able to put to life-changing use. These are great videos with grounded information, no fluff.

With practical orientation to live a good life as its main goal, ‘How to Be Spiritually Uneffwithable’ is a WIN.

Register here:

  • There is a 25% discount code available until April 30th! Register now to avail of it. The code is case sensitive: 25me
  • Payment plans also available at the drop down menu.

This is perfect for people who are new here to get accustomed to my uneffwithable methods and for those who have already started training with me to further their studies. What you started learning in my other courses, you put to work, here!

This is a theme you are going to be hearing about over and over again. Spiritual skills and metaphysical know-how help you feel great and enjoy your life in this world.

Follow “How to Be Spiritually Uneffwithable” Podcast *new episode about to be released*

Follow “How to be Spiritually Uneffwithable” on Instagram:

I love that we have entered our un-eff-with-able era.

Katie IndiCrow

About me: Katie IndiCrow is a psychopomp and soul guide. Awake since birth, Katie has always had one foot in the metaphysical world and one in the material. For the past 20 years, she has been researching in the spiritual traditions. She has been teaching for the past 10. A trained social anthropologist, she left her academic career to focus full-time on teaching and taking care of the planet in early 2017. Katie runs a school *IndiCrow Academy* and hosts 3 podcasts: Psychopomp Stories (about my crazy metaphysical adventures taking care of Earth = like psy-fi but real life), Crow Medicine Astrology, and How to Be Spiritually Uneffwithable. Katie loves to train students on how to live a spiritually strong and empowered life. You can book a private session or train with her at her school. When she is not taking care of the planet (and sometimes when she is) Katie loves raving, hiking, reading, and anything music related.


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