A few days ago, I posed a question to my social media audience. I asked them if they were experiencing a big wall of energy that would pop up when they were about to do something good for themselves, or as they were making positive transformations. A lot of people came forward to say yes. According to them it feels like:

So many people that I felt it important to bring the topic into a podcast and an article. If you have been feeling this wall, you are not alone.

The Energy Wall

In the astral realms, for the past few years, there has been a wall of energy that you can actually see popping up when people are about to make positive progress or when it has begun. This wall has always been somewhat present, but has gotten so bad since covid that I recognize some people are experiencing it as insurmoutnable. According to the people in social media land this wall feels like:

  • A very recent onset of anxiety and depression that was never there before and seems to be getting progressively worse, not better. This is not their ‘normal’ behaviour and has popped up since January. (So many people chimed in on this particular point.)
  • When they feel enthusiastic about something, the energy around that dies very quickly and turns to only being able to approach something in fits and starts.
  • Self-sabatoge and not being ‘able’ to put the diligent effort into doing something positive for the self, even if they know it will feel good.
  • Cannot find the regularity or discipline to get to a schedule, even though they know it will work for them and has worked before.
  • Find great materials (like what is here on this website), be ‘too busy’, and then not return to them ever. Things that are helpful just ‘slip the mind’.
  • Feeling a big nasty energy swiping them back from positive actions.
  • Feeling ‘too scared’ to commit.
  • Feeling ‘too overwhelmed’ or being ‘too busy’ to start.
  • Making two steps forward, then having a life disaster that seems to come between them and their progress.

Sound familiar to anybody? Guess what. You are not alone. This has a rhyme, reason, and roots. You are able to get out of it. This is very good news.

Why does the wall exist and how do you get over it? Well, that is a complex answer that comes from many angles:

In some cases, the wall is there because you are about to make a major vibrational leap into new territory, and you need the tools to do it. You have to literally plug yourself into a new reality stream. This is actually a very fun and rewarding thing to do.

There are moments that it exists because people are putting ‘a lot of work in’ but are using different approaches and lack structure. Structure, streamlined learning, and approaching things from a measured point of view put together by an educator with experience is a path to success. Watching a youtube video here, reading an article there, and mixing approaches often does more harm than good.

To some, the wall exists because they are putting effort into their spiritual development, but as they are doing so, are mixing with tools and beings that are actually anchoring them to an older reality and siphoning their energy via the chaotic events they keep placing in their paths.

For many, the wall is there from all the times you said no to yourself before.

In several cases, the wall is there because your soul is fragmented, and you have to call yourself back to get through the process.

In worst case scenarios, the wall exists because you have an entity holding on to a piece of you, actively stopping you from moving on. This is going to be hard to hear, it may even be one that you are invoking yourself like an ‘angel’ or some ‘master’. (A lot of those beings want to hold you in the place where you are dependent on them. Do not believe me? Ask the hundred or so people I have helped get free from them this year aloe about how quickly life improves when you let them go.

Sometimes it is a combination of the above. It depends on who you are and what your journey has been.

Somewhere along the line, those of you who are being fooled are going to pass into anger and awareness, which is going to be one of the things that sets you free.

To hear each of the above points discussed in detail, listen to this podcast recorded today just for you. It will help you shift the veil.

A word of honest love: stop assuming you already know everything or allowing fear of the truth stop you from hearing things that are going to help you.

Do not let the wall make you gloss the possibility of this message over

If you are experiencing an energy wall, do not let this message be one that you ‘gloss over’. Take the learning opportunities I list below and USE THEM to help yourself.

One of the things that I have experienced as a teacher in the past few years is that when I have made a material or a ceremony that would help people get over the wall, they would be the least visited articles and podcasts. Routinely. It was almost like people would sense that they were going to be able to heal and they just refused to do it. For me it is absolutely heartbreaking to bear witness to this.

Words of love for those ready to hear them: The parts of a you who are still connected to fear, still being controlled by false entities, still in the mirror realm requires you, the person reading this right now to take the wheel in your hands and put the effort into getting yourself free.

You are standing here in front of me for a reason. If only perhaps to hear this wake-up message of encouragement. You are not alone in experiencing this, you are not broken, and all of the above can be fixed.

I sincerely hope that this is the moment where a lot of people trust me, trust my teachings, give this a listen, follow the advice given and get over this. If you do it without invoking angels and false guides, and without mixing teachings that tie you to other realities, it works. I promise that.

Meeting the Wall is an Initiation. Pass Yours.

I want to be very clear. Most of us on the spiritual path have to get over a big wall. I remember when I met my first one. It was filled with a lot of energy trying to hold me back, trick me, mislead me, and make me disinterested, just like what a lot of people out there are currently experiencing. Disasters would pop up, entities saying they were ‘special beings’ would try to convince me to follow and trust them, I felt like I was beating my head on a ceiling. Sound familiar to anybody? A lot of people are meeting theirs right now because of the cosmic moment we are in. Getting yourself from one reality into another takes courage, it takes strength, it takes determination, and it takes wisdom.

It takes a path.

I provide these paths for people. See below for my recommendations:

Most cases to get over the wall you are going to have to be willing to do something (or many things) different. This is not necessarily because you are ‘wrong’, it may just be that you are graduating from one reality stream into the next. For those who have been dabbling in a little bit of this, a little bit of that, the thing that is going to be a gamechanger for you is to bring structure. Be proactive, get a plan, and you will get through that resistance. Structure is the friend of a person who wants to experience spiritual and life path transformation.

  1. In November 2024, I am releasing a whole entire set of training and a new podcast called ”How to be Spiritually Uneffwithable”. Join me in it. If you are here before there are more details, make sure to sign up for my email list at the bottom of this page. You will hear about it first, that way!
  2. If you have hooks in you from angels, false guides, or old reality streams: dissolve them and repair your auric field: https://indicrowacademy.learnworlds.com/course/aura-clinic
  3. If you are fragmented as a soul, learn to bring yourself together and ground your presence with this powerful and effective journey and toolkit:https://indicrowacademy.learnworlds.com/course/hear-your-soul
  4. If you are someone who is experiencing a wall due to karma or soul contract, I do sessions about this. I also am about to open up some intermediate training. If you have already done my baseline training and would like the course info, email me at katieindicrow@gmail.com.
  5. If you would like to set up a grounded unique to you plan OR you would like some in depth help with soul reunification and/or figuring out what is going on: book a private session with me. I am happy to guide you through the process. Often, those who work 1:1 wind up getting a course from me as part of their aftercare process. You may request private work by emailing me at katieindicrow@gmail.com (Please have heads up notice I am available for a few months only. Do not put this off.)
  6. Some people will not like to hear this one but need to. Stop telling yourself you do not have money or time. Every single thing I teach at the basic repair and plug into the higher harmonic level takes you 15 minutes or less a day to do. The inner battle for you may be to make yourself enough of a priority to give yourself that 5 -15 minutes. You can do it.
    • When it comes to money, I make my very high impact training low priced so that it can be accessible. I often give partial scholarships or just gift entire courses to people. I do payment plans. Most of them are available right at the checkout. If there is not one there that suits you or you would like to request a partial scholarship, just ask me.

You can do this.

I know how hard it can be to buck up and take a leap. Trust me when I tell you: it is so incredibly worth it. You are the only one who is going to be able to do this for you. I believe 100% in your ability to. You just have to stop saying no to yourself, stop giving your power away, and embrace the possibilities in front of you, today.

From my heart to yours,

Katie IndiCrow


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