In 2019, humanity had reached a high point in our collective awakening journey. In large part, this was due to excellent teamwork happening in the lightworking community. At the time, we had been working on two main goals. The first was waking up the energy system of the planet so that it would be able to step into a higher harmonic performance mode. The second was through intentionally healing the human energy spectrum, also known as ‘blueprinting’. Together, we had achieved several consciousness shift milestones such as:

  • reaching 5d as an entire planet (yes, we did that in 2018)
  • transitioning into the 7dplus grid in 2019
  • the feminine energy spectrum healing was ongoing
  • we masculine energy spectrum had been called up for its purification focus
  • the 12d ‘integrated’ spectrum had been activated (aka the human spectrum that can understand and connect to the different layers of energy that populate this part of the universe – we now talk about that in astrology planetary terms)
  • we had also made big grounds in the material world with the ‘dark orders’ of ritual magicians being exposed.

All of the above is a part of our transition to the Age of Aquarius. These were all VERY GOOD THINGS.

Then, 2019 Came. By mid-2019, The Success of Our Work Made Us a Target

Over the course of several alignments, siphons and mind control technology started being placed into the energy spectrum of people who were coming into contact with plants, invoking the energy by accident thinking it was a good thing, or through direct contact on purpose. The reason this was being done was a) to slow our progress and b) to damage the human energy archetype we were passing on through our teachings. This has now started to trickle to the general population in the ‘next’ wave. We are in the process of stopping the stopping this. Knowledge is power and to save lives and souls is why I am sharing this information.

Did you know in 2020 that we were supposed to go through a paradigm switch? Well, that was when things got very intense.

This is a story that has layers and depth. It is also something that has directly influenced a very high percentage of my audience. I recorded this podcast outlining key ways to identify if you were exposed to spiritual brainwashing technology. I know that those exposed may not want to hear me discuss it because you are being pushed away – I encourage you to take this branch and get out of the river.

Click here to listen to the podcast

Here is a short summary of signs you have been spiritually brainwashed or exposed to siphon technology (each point is discussed in the 30 minute podcast)

1) You can no longer focus on goals (something you used to be good at)

2) You get angry and uncomfortable when someone speaks about a ‘light’ or ‘energy’ concept that puts something you think into question. Those of us in ‘clear’ thought tend to be able to handle differences of opinion and welcome people to tell us things we may need to know in order to ‘know better. We had a paradigm switch in 2020 and the language was naturally meant to change. Being ‘stuck’ to the point of a freak out is a sign of infection.

3) You used to participate in meaningful activities for helping the planet that had a beginning, middle, and end that you could celebrate. Now it is just one long ‘blah’.

4) You have not yet come to the knowing that we made it to a new paradigm at the end of 2020 with the Great Conjunction. (Did you that along with the switch, Mother and Father creator united? A lot of people do not. That was part of the virus. More on that in coming posts.)

5) You are still holding on to the concept of ‘5d’

6) You feel ‘tired’ all the time and cannot seem to get the negative thoughts out of your mind. They are on repeat.

7) Any time you go to do something ‘new’ or ‘good’, you get stopped in your tracks either before you begin or shortly after beginning.

8) You find yourself turning away from things that are good for you. Teachers, activities, information. You either do not see the positive or are turned away from it.

9) You get angry or cranky with others for no reason.

10) Others ‘freak out’ in your presence or push you away where they did not before.

11) You are having nightmares often and you wake up feeling disturbed.

12) You have wanted to un-alive-yourself.****This is one that a lot of people are experiencing – it eats away your desire to be here because your life force is being dried up.***

Any of the above sound familiar?

How to begin healing from this

*Most of us in the lightworking community were exposed to these viruses in the last 4 years. Our community went from bright, vibrant and getting things done to being well…..As I say in the podcast, there is nothing to be ashamed of (unless of course you are a spreader, you know it, and you keep doing it). Today is a good day to start getting your power back.

The first thing is to try to figure out where your exposure points are and cutting those off. Stop infecting yourself.

The second is to get your auric field cleared and repaired, releasing the old reality streams that were bleeding crap into your lifepathways, and raising your vibration. I put together a set of exercises and information specifically for all of this. Repeat the exercises for about 6 weeks and see how much better you feel.

  • It costs $39 usd, if you need a 10 dollar off coupon, inbox me at

FOR PART 2 in this series:

More on the healing journey the planet is on and some good news of our milestones

Big love,

Katie IndiCrow

Follow me in instagram. I have started with content about this and I also share some cool other things there Crow Medicine 🌍 Psychopomp Stories (@crowmedicinekatie) • Instagram photos and videos

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