On December 11 (or 12 depending on timezone), Betelgeuse will be occulted for approximately 12 seconds. This is significant. Betelgeuse is a gateway, an information point, and one of the more powerful stars in our system. At 8:17 pm EST (later or earlier than that, depending on where you are), we are going to experience an energetic reset.

This is a very good thing.

Betelgeuse is significant in our solar system. It is one of the most ‘loud’ planets in our solar system, broadcasting frequencies that are picked up by scientific instruments that tell us, this. This star has an incredible gravitational pull. Most importantly to this story?

It is known as a ‘mother star’ that also happens to sit at the edge of our cosmic arm.

Betelgeuse is a stargate, communication zone, and travel portal. Once heralded as a star representing the powerful feminine aspects of Creator, during the Orion wars (and due to their mirror on Earth), powerful Betelgeuse got taken over. The broadcasts were disrupted and people who were using this gate for soul crossing had pieces of their souls abducted. Basically, ETS were taking the power of Betelgeuse and broadcasting to us through the star. Even worse? They were pretending to be Gods.

As a psychopomp, one of my main jobs is to take care of the energy system of our planet. That includes tending to sacred sites and parts of the planet that are ‘tuned’ to different cosmic elements. Betelgeuse is one of them. I have been working closely with this star to repair it from what happened to it during and since the Orion wars. What I talk about in this summary and the video is information that comes from that heartfelt experience.

At one point in time, pre 300 AD, Betelgeuse was associated with feminine energy in the form of al Uzza. Worshipped throughout the middle East as a hand of God, this star and the being that ruled it was a protector of the planet. You see, Betelgeuse also happens to be a stargate, which they new all the way back in 500 BC. Sound airy fairy? Modern day science tells us that this star is located on the end of our Orion arm of the Milky Way Galaxy at a key space between us and the spirals.

During the dark years for humanity, Betelgeuse was overtaken. Souls who were seeking to use this gate (like starseeds and people who feel very drawn to the Egypt and region) were getting caught up in it. Many of us here on Earth were also hearing ‘false’ broadcasts through Betelgeuse as a result of this. ***This occultation is a moment where the signal is about to be interrupted. This is a very good thing.***

Despite what those nair do wells were up to, Creator has a different plan.

Part of this plan is to restore cosmic balance through unique astrological and astronomical events like this occultation. In this video, I tell you about the journey we have been on with Betelgeuse, its significance as a stargate, when it got taken over and why this occultation is a good thing.

(Press play on above image for video to start.)

This conversation is also available as a PODCAST at all my regular providers:

on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0bDvoGsu2jsXMztSZetLzn?si=eef06d850e974a07

on apple: Crow Medicine: Spirituality for the 21st Century: Betelgeuse Occultation: Reclaiming Stargates and Restoring Cosmic Balance on Apple Podcasts

Accepting in new students and 1:1 clients

A reminder that I am back at the client, teaching part of life again. If you would like my support on any of the above, I am here for that. I also have training for anything mentioned in these videos. If you are not sure where you fit or would like to go ahead and set up a 1:1, email me at katieindicrow@gmail.com. Tell me where you are at and I will do my best to get you on the best (for you, decided by you) path.

Come to my solstice power intention setting + energy alignment event

– Taking place on December 16, 4 pm EST (early am AUS, noonish West coast North America/South America, pm for Europe): https://indicrowacademy.learnworlds.com/course/in-the-flow-1

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Anonymous · December 7, 2023 at 8:28 pm

Thankyou so much this is incredible knowledge

    katieindicrow · December 7, 2023 at 8:32 pm

    Thank you!!

      Kimber Chin · December 7, 2023 at 10:17 pm

      Thanks for helping us to focus on important events like this! 💕🙌🏼

Racheal · December 8, 2023 at 12:56 pm

I would love to hear more about the details… always!! Thank you for sharing this information.

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