Once every 14 years, Jupiter and Uranus meet. In addition to all the excitement we have already had, this is up next on April 20th.

This April, we have multiple unique astrological alignments happening. The Eclipse of April 8th, the Saturn and Mars conjunction of April 10, and now the Uranus and Jupiter conjunction of April 20. This is a once in every 14 year event.  On April 29, we have a conjunction of Mars and Neptune. Today, I am going to focus on the Uranus and Jupiter conjunction of April 20. I note the other two alignments because they are bringing threads of energy up along with this one – more on that as we get into the conversation.

There are two angles this one is bringing up in my awareness: global economics and slavery. In this post, I am going to address the global economic system. In another, I will address slavery – that topic is deep and deserves its own conversation. The reason I am leading with the economic shift is because it is most specifically associated with alignments of Jupiter and Uranus. Let us dive into it!

Shifting Global Systems

Astrology is a map that helps us understand the themes we will be working on and healing through in our collectives. Called ‘mundane astrology’, people like me enjoy studying world events AND astrology. Stated succinctly: there is a connection.

When it comes to the Jupiter and Uranus, this conjunction is significant. According to French astrologer Andre Barbault, this conjunction is associated with ECONOMIC REFORM and GLOBAL GEOPOLITICS. In his book ‘Planetary Cycles’, he makes note that moments like the French Revolution came about in its stead. So too does he mention its happening in 1914 and 1941 *for more about war, see below*. It also has had to do with the germination of international trade relations and the birth of bodies like WTO. In his opinion, these two planets coming together tend to have something to do with economic transformation and governmental shifts.

I concur.

Signals of a Change in the Global Economy

The last time we had this direct alignment, it was the GREAT RECESSION. Let us go back to that moment. In 2010, we were in the process of seeing the limits of what neoliberal capitalism could offer the general global population. A system that works very well for ‘some’ people, the process of outsourcing labour to ‘cheap’ countries, taking resources from lesser developed nations as part of the ‘trade deal’ to then make billions off of them, and the slow pattern of draining the globe was visible. We had a bail out happening with the IMF and the Troika who were paying for bankers in countries like Ireland to get their needs taken care off while the population was left to suffer into an extended housing crisis that continues to this day. (Why? The people who had very little to do with causing the banking crisis are paying for the bail out. The bankers got off scott free.)

Back then, I was heavily involved in these economic developments and policy around it because this system is what I studied, wrote, and taught about. This includes doing 10 years worth of doing research on case studies and full-blown participant observation in Europe for 1.5 years on the topic. Why? Because I wanted to help build something better. I knew that if we did not start creating checks and balances, the power and money hungry interests behind the accumulation by dispossession would just keep starving people out.

  • When one town or city was ‘drained’ or worker/resource protecting policies are brought into place, the corporate interests relocate operations somewhere else. Not only was this process derailing quality of life for people in the long run, it was harming the Earth.
  • Back then, I hypothesized that once the ‘global’ spaces of taking had run dry, this is what would happen in our own backyards. What has happened during and post-Covid with the massive loss of property and businesses from us regular folk has unfortunately proven me right. Academics are currently being muzzled from saying that, so I will.

There are BETTER ways to do economics than this. This is a chaos-based system that creates nothing but hardship for those in its wake. Very few benefit from it.

  • Interestingly: shortly after the 2010 conjunction, the Occupy Movement rose up. An awareness of this system of global inequality was awoken in the hearts of many of us (myself included). I am hopeful that this form of heart-based love for humanity emerges again. I was part of that movement and it changed us for the better – though it also educated oppressors on what to do to try to silence us.
  • Right now, we ARE in the midst of a spiritual revolution where the core values of humanity are shifting. We have been speaking about this at length in other articles and podcasts.
  • We are also in a situation where households are STRUGGLING under the pressures of inflation and inaccessible housing.

I do believe we will have an economic system – we are not ready to deal without one. Exchange is a thing. I do believe that we are moving to a world where we see changes in this system. I hope in my highest heart that we as people do not allow things to degrade any further than they have. WE HAVE OPTIONS. For example, stability is stimulated when we base more production interests locally, see people who produce products like food getting to consume it in their own region, and at a fair price. *Imagine how many emissions and carbon footprint points could be reduced if we were eating and distributing in our own region.* Jobs would be created, too! Dependable ones that would be long term associated with the food growing and distribution. I do believe that we can have an economic system that can work when the people benefitting from its distortion are no longer the ones who make the rules about how it operates. This is about long-term stability. Not quarterly growth.

  • Being an immigrant, I have no rights in the country I currently live in to influence the political system. I have no right to vote. People who are in their home country and who are safe to do so would be doing WELL to jump on the advocacy and collective action for their COMMUNITY train. Ideas like basic income are gaining steam and it is because they work.
  • The best changes and solutions come from local minds. Be empowered.

I think we are going to see a big change very soon

From this perspective: I feel that this conjunction and the fresh phase of Jupiter and Uranus that it ushers in is going to see the birth of economic reform that is going to create an evening out of global disparity. Do I think it will be automatic? No. But I have been watching a series of structural adjustment processes ongoing and it looks like there are a set of currencies that are going to be revalued amidst different forms of global partnership and economic trade. here are alternative economic exchange systems coming up in the ranks of Latin American and Middle Eastern countries. There is movement in previously war-torn places like Vietnam and Iraq. Peoples who have been in poor economic situations and underneath the thumb of interests based in places like USA are going to begin getting the chance to have more autonomy and control in building up their national economy.

  • With currency revaluation, that means anything bought as a resource (including labour) from these countries is going to mean the people living in them is going to go up. The ‘trick’ is to watch for the swing out of global economic development interests who do not want to ‘lose’ money because now they have to pay higher rates for raw materials and labour in the ‘accumulation by dispossession’ factor I spoke about above..
  • The buttressing of economic relations and forming promises and pacts ahead of the reform is part of protecting people from that.

I would not be surprised if we heard some news come out about specifically this very soon. As I said at the outset of this article: the pattern of alignments is there.

Do I envision perfection?

No. With change comes resistance, blips, adjustments, and other changes. Some people get uncomfortable while others become more comfortable. Some who have ignored issues in their own backyard become more acutely aware of them, like the housing crisis being experienced in Canada, or the extremely high inflation we have in USA. Though our dollar is currently doing great, it may change as the global economy shifts. How will we adjust to that? How do we survive in a world where things cost more and our dollars buy less? This is a question that a lot of families are in the process of answering.

We certainly are living in moments where the trust put into some people as ‘experts’ and the values they chose to pace our societal development along are being shown as fragile. Trusts in the world order have already been shifted (as they were by 2010 at the last alignment). As a Canadian, I see what the Trudeau government is doing and worse – how they seek to silence anyone rightfully addressing it – and I feel disappointment and sadness. HOWEVER, this is not the end point. This is a moment of truth.

This Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus is Taking Place in Aries – this position is the actual position of the planets and the constellation

In Western astrology, this is taking place in ‘Taurus’. To me, the more accurate of the strains as Creator is showing me is Aries, so I will be working with that for this conversation.

When it comes to this (or any) alignment, where it takes place impacts the threads of our civilization it invites us to explore. In the case of this conjunction, another layer to take into consideration is that it is taking place in Aries – the warrior. Ruled by Mars, Aries represents battle, warfare, and in my opinion, expresses one of the primary wounding spaces on our collective energy strands. This is active on two main layers: the collective energy of war and masculine repression/domination.

This energy IS being moved through the collectives actively, already. This Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Aries is being buttressed by two Mars alignments that are also happening this month. Currently, Saturn and Mars are together in the sky in just having conjunct on April 10. We also have a Mars and Neptune conjunction coming up the end of this month. What this translates into is a revisiting of the energy of war. I spoke about these alignments and the sometimes very uncomfortable process of moving through this in detail!

I spoke about the astrology for this month with attention to these two alignments. You can hear that, here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7rtY5ByVtrwr5FjBOtvThb?si=zkhtX5gCSuaaEUS0-SBDog

I go into the Mars aspect to April in detail. Listen in for the details.

We Continue Forward Creating

This alignment brings up so much that you could write a book about it. Perhaps in the next 14 years, I will! I have been doing my part finding taking care of Earth and doing the ceremony that was part of my sacred promise.

If anyone is seeking self-help or self-healing materials, I have released that in droves in the last few months to get people ready for this! Scroll through my archives or check out the tab self-healing.

Thanks for reading!



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