New Class: How to Connect to the Sacred Energy of Earth

Planet Earth is a sentient being that has the ability to communicate with us. Earth speaks in many ways such as animal messages, through direct intuitive connection, and by sending ‘signs’. In addition to this metaphysical level, Earth also supports us biologically. Thirty minutes connected directly to the ground, for Read more…

Hearing the Call to Work with Crystals (and why so many of us do)

Recently thought to be the providence of your ‘woo woo’ aunt or friend, crystals are taking the world by storm (once again). Whether it be quartz, aquamarine, aventurine, amethyst, tourmaline, or jade: people recognize that crystals ‘work’.

The call of the crystal can sound in many forms. For a lot of people, it begins very simply with one day stumbling into a store and making a first purchase. Others have very specific and strong soul instruction that this is an important part of the path. If you are here, you have heard it. Welcome to the club and/or great to see you back!

The first in a series on crystals:
We begin with examining the call to crystals. What is it about crystals that draws in so many of us?

Click the picture for a unique conversation about hearing the call to crystals and a little more about how they work.

*Welcoming stories of your first crystal!!!!*

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