(The deluxe version that includes images, a podcast, video, and detailed summary.)

Hello, friends!

Welcome to a powerful astrological month that includes diverse and unique alignments including: 2 pairs of conjunctions that bring Pluto, Venus, and Mercury into close communication. Neptune goes direct. We also have solstice and an eclipse.

In short, this is a wow kind of a month where we get the opportunity to encounter some alignment pairs that have the special potential to mark our healing path.

As the theme suggests: This is a deep dive into personal limitations and tough patterns that will be immediately followed up with cosmic moments of spark, spark, spark.

*Though these planetary alignments could seem brutal, a highlight of THIS report is on how to work with these moments as opportunities to positively chart our path. As I say in the report, the planets represent a path to freedom. Through our engagement with them, we adjust and expand the archetypes while also changing our lives.*

Highlight: What I am most excited about is our journey with Pluto, which is going to bring us through some necessary depths. Pluto is a planet we get less ‘direct’ engagement with. When it is present, big things happen. As I discuss in the report, Venus (the planet representing the harmonic of Universal Mother Love) is here to gently guide us through.

****A highlight of this monthly report is that as I go through each alignment, I also recommend a positive way to engage it. Stay tuned for affirmations and suggestions on how to harness the high harmonic of the cosmic flow. *****

Accessing the Report

Tune in for an alignment-by-alignment explanation of the planets as they come.

As I expand my new forms of communication, one of my objectives is to become ever more accessible cross-platform. I am so excited to announce that my podcast got picked up to pilot a video program on spotify. What that means is that I now get to upload videos to accompany my productions on spotify. YAY!

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4iZX7wn26xsX3KdAaUz78v?si=gcqQh7gqQaSetTBHVi6QVw * (see below for video access note)*

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CW67bfpgBzI/

Apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/december-astrology-report-depths-and-rebirth/id1561079905?i=1000543566819

TO ACCESS THE NEW VIDEO PROJECT ON SPOTIFY: Go to the link and click it (like usual). In the player you will see a little picture down where the album image usually is. Click it. It turns into a video presentation. Special note: You do not require a premium membership to check it out like you do the music podcasts.

*I would really appreciate some views and love on the page. It may even help me get a feature which would be a great leap.*

Hope you enjoy the report!

Love my content and feel like saying ‘thanks’ for creating it? I gratefully receive little gifts of $5 – $25 here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/crowmedicine.

*Ready to learn an energy management through meditation tool that you can bring everywhere? Mentioned in the podcast. Click here for ‘Breathe, Ground, Connect’ (A Life Changing Experience: Breathe, Ground, & Connect – Crow Medicine: (crow-medicine.com)



A little Katie rebirth Note: For those of you who have been around for the great cutting of all of my previous projects to rebirth me, I appreciate you. As you can see, after my littel creation hiatus things have changed.

This year, I could not travel like I used to which created a new opportunity to be still. In that stillness, things became more clear and I learned new ways to create.

These teachings are top notch. Part of what I was doing last year was giving myself the space to start connecting to them in ways that are more befitting than what I was doing pre 2020 in the chaos. My ‘job’ is taking care of the planet first and foremost so most of my life is spent outside or in transit. Not being able to move internationally has certainly given me the opportunity to learn these new skills that help me communicate about it (and everything else) better. So. Here we are, with a new form and some very different creative projects than you are used to from me. Thank you for being here.

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